16 April, 2015
Warming comfort food with wholefoods guru, Angie Cowan According to the science of Ayurveda, Kitchari is the most complete form of food. It is easy to digest providing the body with a perfect balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It balances all doshas eliminating cravings as it contains all six of the Ayurvedic tastes – sweet, salty, pungent, bitter, sour and astringent. InYoga suggests you make a batch for when you arrive home from yoga on these cooler nights – Kitchari is comforting, warm and easily digested.
Tangy Lemon & Parsley Salad
11 February, 2015
More like a condiment, this tangy little number serves beautifully as a refreshing, tart contrast to sweet, heavy curries, tagines and roast veggies. It's also a winner for your immune system.
The Super Simple Christmas Muddle
16 December, 2014
A light, simple drink with the refreshing and cooling properties of mint, cucumber and lime to keep you cool this Christmas. By Sally Murphy-Blunt
Cinnamon Tahini Coconut Bliss Balls
29 October, 2014
A fantastic alternative to chocolate, the flavours in this recipe are beautifully balanced between the sesame and cinnamon.
Kale & Broccoli Soup
12 August, 2014
This soup is delicious, alkalising and ever so simple to make plus, with the addition of the unpastuerised miso paste at the end, the soup includes beneficial bacteria.
Winter Warmers - Fresh Ginger Tea
9 June, 2014
Why go out and by tea bags when you can make yourself a piping hot cup of freshly brewed ginger tea that's good for your digestion and your immune system.