Expand your Awareness



Meditation is often perceived as a “secret” discipline for those advancing on a spiritual path. At a InYoga our passion is helping people realise that everyone already has the innate capacity to cultivate meditative connection. The secret lies in demystifying the art of meditation so it can become a joyful skill that you love to explore daily.

Meditation is a tool for helping you to  thrive in the world, and finding your authentic meditation technique will help you practice spontaneously, naturally and effortlessly. If you want the benefits of meditation then you need to find the techniques that work for you. Our workshops and master classes bust every myth you ever had about meditation, and will prove to you that meditation can be easy and enjoyable.

In our trainings you will:

  • Get started with mini-meditations that can be integrated into spare moments throughout the day.
  • Discover what really happens when people are meditating so you can let go of the pressure to “Do it right”.
  • Learn instinctive, natural and very personal pathways into meditation
  • Develop a customised and regular practice that will become as natural and vital to you as breathing
  • Anyone can attend, no matter how much or little meditation experience you have had!

Learn how to make meditation an enjoyable part of your routine that will bring both calm and vibrancy to your life. Meditation is a naturally occurring state for everyone, we just need to become skilful in the art of accessing the amazing healing powers we already possess.

If you want to learn how to manage stress, find clarity of mind, bring ease to your body and increase energy and vitality, then make time in your day for this life changing practice.

InYoga offers several avenues for exploring the practice of meditation

  • Master Classes
  • Short Course Workshops
  • Private Sessions
  • Corporate Training

Come along if you want to:

  • Establish a personal meditation practice ongoing
  • Unveil myths around meditation
  • Learn how to incorporate easy methods of movement, breath and sound to lead you into sweet surrender
  • Feel grounded and connected to a practice that is relevant to YOUR individual needs

Bring something comfortable to wear and let’s go on an adventure together!