Tagged "Yoga"

30 Days of Abundance

Kacey Waxler

And we are off! A Life \ InYoga 30-day Immersion has launched and the studio is buzzing with excitement, inspiration, and yogis on a mission to make this next month the most positive and transformative yet.

Coming into Balance

Kacey Waxler

Hundreds of Downward-Facing Dogs, five yoga classes, one home practice, and roughly an hour of meditation later, we have fully submerged ourselves into a life in yoga.

Finding The Balance

Nicole Walsh

At InYoga, we believe self-transformation shouldn't be painful. While it isn't always a pleasant experience to discard old habits and replace them with healthy ones, there is absolutely no reason why going to a yoga class should feel like stepping into a battlezone.

How to access our online classes!

Nicole Walsh

This quick-reference login guide will help you with access to online classes so you can start practicing with us straight away!

How to Stay Calm- Wellness Experts Share Tips

Nicole Walsh

Read Bupa's latest article, with contributions from Nicole Walsh, on How to Stay Calm in today’s 24-hour busy society! Stress reduction has become a priority for many of us. It’s difficult to know how to achieve it, as true relaxation can only happen by de-stressing both the body and the mind. Balance is the key to everything and at InYoga, we’re all about balance.