Sauca, which is the Sanskrit word for purity or cleanliness, is a personal ethical practice outlined in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras which dedicated yogis aim to observe in their lives both on and off the mat.
And we are off! A Life \ InYoga 30-day Immersion has launched and the studio is buzzing with excitement, inspiration, and yogis on a mission to make this next month the most positive and transformative yet.
Discover your purpose and communicate from your own personal connection to yoga with clarity and authenticity.
Hundreds of Downward-Facing Dogs, five yoga classes, one home practice, and roughly an hour of meditation later, we have fully submerged ourselves into a life in yoga.
At InYoga, we believe self-transformation shouldn't be painful. While it isn't always a pleasant experience to discard old habits and replace them with healthy ones, there is absolutely no reason why going to a yoga class should feel like stepping into a battlezone.
This quick-reference login guide will help you with access to online classes so you can start practicing with us straight away!
Read Bupa's latest article, with contributions from Nicole Walsh, on How to Stay Calm in today’s 24-hour busy society! Stress reduction has become a priority for many of us. It’s difficult to know how to achieve it, as true relaxation can only happen by de-stressing both the body and the mind. Balance is the key to everything and at InYoga, we’re all about balance.
Undertaking your yoga teacher training is a big decision to make. Lucky for you, you can follow Stephanie Lewis and her journey through the Full- Time 200hr Yoga Teacher Training. This is the second of a five part series - read on and stay tuned for reflections on Week 3!
Undertaking your yoga teacher training is a big decision to make. Lucky for you, you can follow Stephanie Lewis and her journey through the Full- Time 200hr Yoga Teacher Training. This is the first of a five part series - read on and stay tuned for reflections on Week 2!
Undertaking your yoga teacher training is a big decision to make. Lucky for you, you can follow Stephanie Lewis and her journey through the Full- Time 200hr Yoga Teacher Training. This is the third of a five part series - read on and stay tuned for reflections on Week 4!
Learn how to decode yoga philosophy and apply its wisdom to everyday life - for yoga teachers and curious students
Learn to teach the Subtle Arts of Yoga: Meditation, Mudra, Pranayama and Mantra