Mel McLaughlin of The Yin Space is one of the Australia's leading Yin Yoga teacher and teacher trainers, and we are pleased to host her 100-hour, 50-hour and 15-hour teacher trainings at InYoga. With over 14 years of teaching yoga, 10 years of personal exploration of yin yoga, and formal training under the guidance of yin yoga creator, Paul Grilley, Mel teaches her trainings to yoga teachers and yin enthusiasts alike.
Drawing on her studies of Metaphysics, Acu-energetics, Reiki, Qi Gong and other healing modalities, Mel’s teaching blends the physical, mental and energetic bodies in regards to yin yoga and teaching yoga in general. Each of Mel's trainings are designed to give you a deep personal experience of yin, as well as inspiration and valuable teaching tools.
If you're a yoga teacher wanting to add yin yoga to your repetoire, or a yin enthusiast seeking a deeper experience or personal retreat, we invite you to come along to this FREE information session to learn more about Mel and her training course.
Please register online for this session.
You're welcome to come early for a complimentary Vinyasa yoga class from 6:15pm-7:30pm before the session- just email: so we can book you in!