Our 'Deepen Your Practice' Workshop Series is designed to help you deepen your yoga practice, find greater strength and flexibility, expand your awareness of movement with breath, dive into meditation to release stress and learn more about all things yoga. Join us for the second installment of the series kicking off with Rod leading you through a Sunrise Series on meditation.
Monday 31st July - Friday 4th August, 6:30am- 7:15am (enough time to practice the 7:30am class afterwards!)
Sunrise Series - Everyone Can Meditate - with Rod Galbraith
Spend five mornings rising early and learn how to make meditation an enjoyable part of your routine that will bring both calm and vibrancy to your life. Meditation is a naturally occurring state for everyone, we just need to become skilful in the art of accessing the amazing healing powers we already possess.
Each morning will involve a guided practice followed by a discussion to help facilitate the skills to make meditation a joyful and invaluable part of your daily routine.
If you want to learn how to manage stress, find clarity of mind, bring ease to your body and increase energy and vitality, then make time in your morning for this life changing week of practice.
The week's sessions will guide both new and active meditators through a supportive, group environment.
Bring something comfortable to wear and let’s go on an adventure together!
Come along if you want to:
- Commit to practise 5 days for a week
- Establish a personal meditation practice ongoing
- Unveil myths around meditation
- Learn how to incorporate easy methods of movement, breath and sound to lead you into sweet surrender
- Feel grounded and connected to a practice that is relevant to YOUR individual needs
What to bring:
- a yoga mat (or hire one of ours for $2)
- a notebook and pen for those "a- ha" moments
- an open mind