Deepen Your Practice is a series of workshops to advance your knowledge in all things yoga. Here at InYoga we are committed to providing our community with opportunities to LIVE, KNOW, LOVE, A LIFE IN YOGA. If you are on an Awaken, Transform or Lifestyle membership our Deepen Your Practice Series is complimentary.
Join this Advanced Deepen Your Practice Workshop where you will play in more advanced variations of poses and deepen your understanding of when, why and how you would choose to advance or modify your practice.
Saturday 8th December, 1:45pm- 3:45pm
Deepen Your Practice - Arm & Leg Balances Advanced with Jordan Thackray
Discover how to safely defy gravity with this insightful approach to balancing on both your hands and feet. Integrating the essential building blocks learnt in the foundations workshop (joint stabilization and activation of bandhas), with intelligent sequencing, this workshop will empower and inspire you to move effortlessly in the field of gravity. Jordan will help you to experience more lightness in your yoga practice as you access your core, and build strength and stability in the supporting structures of the body. Learn how to do this with a sense of curiosity, play and fun!
Please note this workshop is FREE to members (Lifestyle, Transform, Awaken) - simply book in online under the MEMBER pricing option.
Come along if you want to:
- Learn more about why we do what we do in yoga
- Deepen your understanding of healthy alignment and breath work
- Know when to listen to you body and modify poses
- Feel safe to build up your practice into more advanced postures
- Enhance your awareness of energy moving through the asanas
- Feel grounded and connected to a practice that is relevant to YOUR individual body needs
What to bring:
- a yoga mat (or hire one of ours for $2)
- a notebook and pen for those "a- ha" moments
- an open mind and a relatively empty belly